Une vidéo réalisée par les BTS électrotechnique dans le cadre du cours de STI en anglais

Par ALAIN THETE, publié le vendredi 2 juin 2023 13:45 - Mis à jour le vendredi 2 juin 2023 13:46
Capture d’écran 2023-06-02 134339.jpg
CREATION OF AN ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR by the students of BTS2 – Electrical Engineering

This video is a tutorial to create an asynchronous motor with a battery.
For this, we need the following components : a copper wire, a magnet, two paper clips, sand paper
and electrical tape.
First, loop the wire around a pen for example, to create a copper coil (3 or 4 turns will be sufficient).
Then, use the paper sand to remove the plastic film on the tips of the copper coil (you could also use
stripping pliers). Next, fix with the tape the two paper clips on the tips of the battery.
Finally, place the magnet on the middle on the battery and the copper coil between the paper clips,
above the magnet (do not hesitate to bend the paper clips in order to avoid the copper coil to be too
magnetized on the magnet).
If all the operations have been successful, the copper coil will turn into an electrical magnet, with
each sides repellling and attracting the permanent magnet, forcing the coil to spin.

The paper clips can heat up when the copper coil is placed, so wear insulating gloves !