Ouverture internationale

BIGGER THAN US : Les classes de 2nde rencontrent la réalisatrice

Par Marie-Ange Souriac, publié le mercredi 16 novembre 2022 22:11 - Mis à jour le mercredi 16 novembre 2022 22:12
Cinéma en anglais : Projection et rencontre artistique Classes de 2nde
Watching Bigger than us and meeting the documentary director
On Tuesday 15th November, we went to the cinema to watch the documentary “Bigger than Us”. We knew that after watching the film, we would ask questions to the documentary director, Flore Vasseur.
Before going to the cinema, we studied young activists. For example, we watched videos about Melati Wijsen, Bella Lack, or Xiuhetezach Roske Martinez. Bella Lack fights against global warming and hunting, Marley Diaz fights for a better representation of black girls in books. Melati Wijsen and her sister fight against plastic pollution in Bali, a paradise lost, because of plastic bags on the beaches and the ocean. We also tried to answer this question : “do young activists have an impact?” with an article from the New York Times. It was pretty hard, but we managed to answer this question and give our opinion. We watched the trailer of the documentary and read some information about the different activists.
Later, we studied a biography of Flore Vasseur, the film maker, and we prepared some questions for her.
Then we went to the cinema to watch the documentary.
What struck us in the film is how complicated life outside Europe can be. One of our favourite activist was Mohamad al Jounde, because he built a school in a refugee camp in Lebanon. We were shocked when he explained his school was destroyed, and that he had to rebuild it. We were also shocked by the plastic mountains in Indonesia, and some traditions in Malawi. We found the documentary very interesting but a bit long: some of us thought there were too many activists in it. Other students thought that the activists were very convincing and the film touching. It was interesting to understand how they work to defend their causes. Some of us also liked the music in the documentary.
The exchange with Flore vasseur was very interesting, she was very kind to answer all these questions but she also spoke of things that were not really the answers to our questions. She spoke against capitalism, which surprised some of us. She made her documentary with passion, and she wants the actions of the activists to be better known.
It was a great experience and it made us think about the world and the causes we need to fight for.
Elèves de secondes 1, 2, 5 et 6.

Activité pédagogique menée par l'équipe d'Anglais. Merci à eux.

Financement de l'action  : PassCulture